These wastes are very harmful to the marine organism and life in the water bodies. Ironically, some scientists claim, essays on biodiversity, some of these laws are actually so restrictive that they are prohibitive to research essays on biodiversity that would aid in the conservation effort by providing deeper and richer understandings of specific ecosystems and environments that are high in biodiversity Pethiyagoda…. Available at: Fairley, Peter. Scientists believe that the gases we are omitting in the atmosphere through industry …. Having a very high biodiversity is extremely essential to help maintain the surroundings in a state of harmony.
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Have you ever noticed the variety of plants and animals around you? There are so many of them that you do not know even the names of many species around you. All these species of plants and animals are collectively called essays on biodiversity. They are of extreme importance not in our lives for the mutual existence of other species on the Earth, essays on biodiversity. In order to make the students know more about biodiversity and how it affects us we have come up with long essays for students. These essays shall shed light on the importance of biodiversity, its distribution essays on biodiversity, the extinction it faces and the need to conserve it. Contents List of Short and Long Essays on Biodiversity Biodiversity Essay for Kids and School Students Essay on Biodiversity — Essay 1 Words Essay on Biodiversity: Types, Importance and Conclusion — Essay 2 Words Essay on Biodiversity: Essays on biodiversity Threats and Importance — Essay 3 Words Essay on Biodiversity: Introduction, Importance, Decline and Steps — Essay 4 Words Essay on Biodiversity — Essay 5 Words Biodiversity Essay for Competitive Exam and UPSC Civil Services Exam Essay on Biodiversity: With Conclusion — Essay 6 Words Essay on Biodiversity: Facts, essays on biodiversity, Importance and Preservation — Essay 7 Words Essay essays on biodiversity Biodiversity in India — Essay 8 Words.
Biodiversity also known as biological diversity is the variables that exist among several species living in the ecosystem. These living organisms include marine, terrestrial and aquatic life. Biodiversity aims to understand the positions these organisms occupy in the broader ecosystem. Essays on biodiversity there is biodiversity in our ecosystem it translates to a greener environment. This is because plant life thrives in a balanced ecosystem. This invariably affects humans as we consume plants for our survival, essays on biodiversity. Also, a healthy ecosystem can help to reduce the risk essays on biodiversity diseases and the way we respond to them.
To make the world a safe place for all organisms, we must maintain good health in all the ecosystems. This is the benefit of paying attention to biodiversity. Diversity is the hallmark of nature. Things exist in different forms which creates diversity, essays on biodiversity. Biodiversity is a significant and desirable variation in plant and animal existence on the surface of the earth. The variation exists due to genetics, essays on biodiversity, species and the ecosystem or the habitat, essays on biodiversity.
Biodiversity is an important aspect in the world because it enables the survival and sustainability of living things on earth. The variation in living things has resulted in different types of biodiversity depending on the certain variables. Genetic diversity is due to the genetic components shared by living organisms. The species that have similar genes diverge and they develop differently thus creating biodiversity. Species diversity occurs when a habitat comprises different kinds of living things. Ecological diversity is through the interaction of living things that share common sources of energy in an ecosystem which contributes to biodiversity. The existence of living things in an ecosystem and the functioning of the ecosystem contribute to the relevance of biodiversity in nature.
Through biodiversity, essays on biodiversity organisms are able to acquire food and other important resources to sustain their lives. The climate and environmental changes are regulated because of biodiversity. The culture is enriched through biodiversity as it involves existence of several groups of species and people in one environment. All the three types of biodiversity are important to the existence of living organisms. The ecosystem is the hallmark of diversity because it helps to sustain the lives of diverse living things. Biodiversity is the variability or the diversity of the different species of life forms.
The planet earth is habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna like plants, animals and other life forms. Biodiversity or Biological diversity refers to the variety and variability of living beings on planet earth and it is the degree of variation of life. It represents the wealth of biological assets available on earth and encompasses microorganism, plants, animals and ecosystems such as coral reefs, forests, rainforests, deserts etc. The growing population, industrialization, technology, etc. The increased human activities have been reducing the natural area for plants, animals and other living things.
A number of plants and animals have gone extinct because of increased deforestation and other factors. Growing pollution, essays on biodiversity, causing global warming and climate change, is a big threat to biodiversity. The decline in biodiversity would in turn lead to imbalance in the ecosystem and would become a threat to the human race as well as other living organisms. Different plants and animals are dependent on others to live and keep the natural surroundings in a balanced state. For example, human beings are dependent on various plants and animals for their food, shelter, safety, clothes etc. Similarly, essays on biodiversity, every living species is dependent on some other species. It is, therefore, important to preserve biodiversity in our planet in order to maintain the ecological balance.
As we know, the biodiversity loss is a serious threat for human race, we all should work for maintaining biodiversity, and find out solutions to reduce the biodiversity decline. Since, essays on biodiversity, air pollution and deforestation are major threats to biodiversity, these are the first things that need to be controlled. Government should frame stricter laws and organizations should sensitize people essays on biodiversity be concerned about it and contribute their bit. Biodiversity, essays on biodiversity, also referred to as the biological diversity refers to the diversified form of plants and animals that exists in our planet, essays on biodiversity.
It also denotes each essays on biodiversity every aspect of the ecosystem such as micro-organisms, coral reefs, rainforests, deserts, forests etc. A good balance in biodiversity supports essays on biodiversity race and humans on the other hand must ensure to save biodiversity. This essay is going to talk about the importance of biodiversity and the role of human beings in safeguarding the ecosystem. There are more thanspecies of flora that has been identified and there should be many more unidentified varieties. Similarly there must be infinite variety of other species in our Earth and these together form a perfect natural protection for the human race.
Biodiversity supports human race in different ways, essays on biodiversity. Some of the species capture and stores energy and releases it back in the atmosphere for human consumption. Some biological species help in decomposing organic materials and thus acts as a natural recycling essays on biodiversity. There are several factors that lead to the decline in biological species, the most significant one being the behavior of human beings. Human beings destroy forests to build houses and offices. Through deforestation humans are actually destroying the natural habitat of many plants and animals. All new scientific inventions are causing harm to the environment. We cannot even find some species of birds today because of the increase in noise pollution.
Global warming is another reason for the decline in biodiversity. Some species require specific climate to survive and when the climatic conditions change continuously these species either migrate or become extinct. Decline in the number of coral reefs are a perfect example. The Government and different voluntary organizations must act upon immediately to create awareness among people on environmental issues and its consequences. It is also the responsibility of every common man to save mother Earth by maintaining a rich biodiversity. If proper care is not taken, the biodiversity of Earth may become extinct one day and if it happens then, humans have to find another planet to live.
Biodiversity can be said to mean the extreme importance of a very wide variety of animals and plants that are resident on the planet earth or in a particular habitat. It is very necessary to maintain the level of biodiversity on the earth so that the environmental harmony can be balanced. Biological diversity is another name for biodiversity and is widely the variability or diversity of all the different species of animals and plants on this planet. Having a very high biodiversity is extremely essential to help maintain the surroundings in a state of harmony. Biodiversity can be loosely defined as a variety of fauna and flora that are available in a specific habitat or the planet earth. Biodiversity is largely originated from the essays on biodiversity — species diversity and species richness.
Biodiversity is mainly a united view of the biological varieties, essays on biodiversity. A lot of other words and terms have been at one time or another used to explain diversity, essays on biodiversity. Some of these terms include taxonomic diversity this comes from a species diversity point of viewecological diversity this comes from an ecosystem diversity point of viewessays on biodiversity, essays on biodiversity diversity this comes from a genetic diversity point of view and functional diversity this comes from the point of view of the functions of the species. Biodiversity gives quite a uniform view of the above discussed biological varieties.
Biological diversity is quite important because its helps maintain the ecological balance in a system. Different animals and plants depend on one another to fulfill all of their needs. For example, we human beings depend on various animals and plants for our clothes, shelter and food, essays on biodiversity. Other species also do the same and depend on a variety of other species to sustain them and provide them with the basics. Biodiversity and its beautiful richness ensure that the earth is fit enough for the survival of each and every one of the organism living on the earth. However, the ever increasing pollution is negatively affecting biodiversity. Quite essays on biodiversity lot of animals and plants have gone essays on biodiversity extinction as a result of this pollution and a lot more are going essays on biodiversity become extinct if proper care is not taken and the pollution of the environment continues to exponentially and this would cause a sharp decline in the biodiversity.
We human beings have to understand how important the maintenance of the immensely rich biodiversity is. Smokes from vehicles causes a high rate of air pollution and this causes harm to a lot of species, essays on biodiversity. The level of pollution in the atmosphere has to be put under control. Water bodies like seas, oceans and rivers are polluted by the release of industrial wastes into the. These wastes are very harmful to the marine organism and life in the water bodies. There is therefore a need to try as much as possible to dispose industrial wastes through other means and methods that do not harm the environment, essays on biodiversity. The industrial wastes can be primarily treated before being disposed into the water properly and safely.
When you are a biology student biodiversity is one of the most important words you can learn. Not only that but it also becomes your lives calling to maintain it. This term refers to the many different life forms that inhabit the earth at this moment, this includes bacteria, plants, animals and humans and it also refers to their shared environment. Life has manifested itself in many different forms we do not know why exactly but we are certain that they all exist and depend on each other for survival. The answer to this question is more essays on biodiversity than just simply stating what biodiversity is. My personal experience as a student has thought me that I learn best when I have an example so I will give you an example of the importance of biodiversity, essays on biodiversity.
The famous Yellowstone Park is a natural reserve and national park but before it was essays on biodiversity as such it was just another forest that man wanted to hunt in.
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Thesis statement: As a global society we must find solutions for overpopulation, pollution, misuse of natural resources, and rapid climate changes to attempt to conserve biodiversity; the interconnectedness which keeps the world running. As the human population keeps growing and consuming extra resources, biodiversity is Biodiversity Wildlife Conservation. The term biodiversity is used to refer to diverse kinds of organisms found in an area. This term encompasses animals, plants, fungi as well as other organisms. In essence, biodiversity covers all organisms from very tall plants to microscopic organisms that can only be perceived The first thing that needs to be done is defining what a synthetic pesticide is and what biodiversity is.
A synthetic pesticide is a chemical used to kill or repel pests and biodiversity is the variety of life in the world. According to the US Biodiversity Organic Farming. Executive Summary Declines in biodiversity poses a serious threat to human civilization today, and will remain so far into the future. In order to maintain species populations and protect habitat for wildlife, several national and international organizations have developed reporting guidelines for conservation of species This ORF is positioned in the antisense side left of the ORF1 and ORF2 already known and called ORF0.
Biodiversity Gene Genetic Engineering. Introduction Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. Some believe that sixth mass extinction Biodiversity Trees Wildlife Conservation. Genus Medicago is one of the oldest forage legume comprising 60 perennial and 35 annual species, distributed mainly around the Mediterranean basin, cultivated throughout the world in diverse environments ranging both temperate and tropical environments Small and Jomphe, It is generally agreed that the Biodiversity Plant. Climate change is a serious issue and impacting nations worldwide and is currently leaving a negative impact on the biodiversity and ecosystem of British Columbia.
How is technology not helping us to improve environmental issues? Over the last years technology has been through an extreme evolution, each day we introduce new technologies and engines to our world, thanks to industrialization and urbanization, and until today human race has enjoyed every single benefit it brings with it, but not to help …. Agricultural may be a powerful tool to forge economic development of any country and to finish extreme financial condition. It is calculable that agriculture can feed a projected 9. Growth within the agriculture sector is two to fourfold simpler in raising incomes among the poorest compared to alternative sectors as …. Irrigated Agriculture And Its Importance In Pakistan Read More ».
Humus Composting is breaking organic material down through thermophilic and microbial breakdown, and then building it back up into a carbon structure called Humus. We do this through a series of microbial inoculants throughout the process. Humus has incredible capabilities! Holds up to four times its own weight in water. With this powerful attraction to …. Aeromaster Humus Compost Read More ». Deforestation can also be seen as elimination of forests leading to several variances ecologically and environmentally and results in turn down in biodiversity and habitats. Deforestation and the Ways to Overcome It Read More ». Politics of knowledge in the seed sector and the issue of seed diversity and sovereignty Seed is not just the source of life, it is the very foundation of our being.
For millions of years, seed has evolved freely, to give us the diversity and richness of life on the planet. For thousands of years …. Introduction Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. Global Decline Of High Value Large Old Trees And Impacts On Wildlife Read More ». Two ecosystem services that are important in our nation are mitigate drought and flood and purify the air and water.
Firstly, mitigate drought and flood as we are currently hearing news of flood in our country. Lots of people are killed due to flooding. The major reason is geographical structure got weaken after divesting earthquake in …. Two Ecosystem Services In Nepal Read More ». Urban agriculture includes production, distribution, and marketing of food and other products within the cores of metropolitan areas. Examples include community, school, backyard, and rooftop gardens with a purpose extending beyond home consumption and education, urban market gardens, innovative food-production methods that maximize production in a small area, community supported agriculture based in urban areas, …. Urban Agriculture: Organic And Sustainable Vegetable Production Read More ».
The development case for this paper concerns the problem with the sustainable agriculture in the drylands in the northern Ghana due to the extreme scarcity of water resources in the area and the both negative and positive impacts on the livelihood of the local community as a result. There are 2 different approaches with pertaining …. Agricultural Investments In West African Drylands: Actor-Oriented And Institutionalist Analysis Of The Sustainable Development Project In Northern Ghana Read More ». Agriculture is an important facet in the foundation of countries all around the world.
However, many nations struggle with not harming their environment with their agricultural production methods. Most people in the agricultural sector are uninformed about how damaging their agricultural production methods are to the environment. Not only is there a concern about the …. Pakistan Environment Programme Developing Alternative Agricultural Production Methods Read More ». The first thing that needs to be done is defining what a synthetic pesticide is and what biodiversity is. A synthetic pesticide is a chemical used to kill or repel pests and biodiversity is the variety of life in the world.
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