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Does boredom lead to trouble essay

Does boredom lead to trouble essay

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Boredom is defined as the state of being weary or restless due to the lack of interest. People consider that being in this state can cause trouble, while others think that boredom can lead to good, positive and productive activities. Does boredom actually lead to trouble? Or does boredom lead to trouble essay boredom contribute to bettering ourselves? Personally, I think the answer could be both. Boredom does not lead to trouble in every single case, but it cannot be denied that in other cases it definitely does. Want to get an original essay on this topic? The real answer of what boredom conducts to, belongs in the self-control disciplines at home brought unto those who are bored.

Many people, including adults, fight against boredom by trying new and already done activities. This quote states how people get into trouble when bored. The fear of boredom, which is one of the biggest tortures in life in my opinion, forces people to find a way to cease this feeling. Many will do anything to prevent being bored, including illegal activities like underage drinking, using drugs, etc. Although there are cases of boredom being ceased in not the best way, there are also various examples of options to get rid of the feeling the adequate way. Some examples could be going out with your friends, cleaning and organizing your home, doing your hobbies, etc.

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Well more research done by; New Health Organization shows that these particular jobs lead to some of the largest rates of suicides in the world. Some would say that these facts are a quincidence, but I feel that they have direct relevancy. To show more transparently that boredom will lead to trouble, Dr. Kristine Tucker explained in her article one of the effects that boredom brings. When experiencing the low energy levels people often wonder why they are becoming bored. When the energy levels are depleted through the day it interferes with your life goals and daily activities. Another important aspect that Dr. This is mostly related to teenage decision making. When growing up through your teen years there are a lot of changes including, internal changes and the need for entertainment.

Putting a teen in a gray area boredom , then allows them to make impulsive decision. A teenager will try everything in their power to get out of that gray state, which in result will lead to trouble. My favorite example of the effect of boredom is explained by Dr. Jennifer Shook. In her explanation she touches on the fact that teens want to make life fun which in result can lead to harmful and even fatal activities. As expected, the major factor with teens is the potential exposure to alcohol and drugs. Kids that experience boredom are two times more likely to try new things such as drugs and alcohol then others who are not bored.

Another important factor is that popularity is so very important to a teen and when a teen does not feel the attention they will try to go out and fit in. Going out and doing everyday things the teens usually do not do shows that that teen has to much time on their hands. When a teenager is exposed to boredom, they are more willing to give in to peer pressure. Being an easily convinced teen could be very dangerous. Of course, this would make sense because teens will try about anything to get out of that award state of boredom. A book written by Wayne W. The choice, as always, is yours. With all this information it may rise the question, is boredom really as bad as it sounds?

I personally feel that boredom is good and bad. Although can be threatening, not only to the one who is bored but could also affect families. Free Abu- B. Com: Market Positioning Case Study Sample. Example Of Comparison Of Two Cultural Essays: Essay. Free Memorandum Essay Example. Essay On Observations In An Infant And Toddler Classroom. Higher Education Essay Samples. Good Example Of Essay On Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adults. Cultural And Creative Industries Essay. Free Air Canada Research Paper Sample. Referee Report: The Evolution Of Bank Supervision Reports Examples. Free Quality Management Case Study Sample. The Basics Behind Effective Police Operation Essays Example. Free Are Cell Phones Addictive? The Reality Is A Profound Yes Essay Example.

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