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Global warming persuasive essay

Global warming persuasive essay

global warming persuasive essay

Dec 16,  · This persuasive essay sample covers the causes and mitigation of the global warming. Use it as an example for your own blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Global Warming Persuasive Essay Outline I. Introduction II. Thesis statement: Governments and people should take measures to resolve the issue of global warming. The measures should include the decrease the buildings and greenhouses effects, dispose off the industrial waste and encourage people to use biofuel in their vehicles. Size: KB Mark Z. Jacobson

Persuasive Essay On Global Warming - Words | Help Me

If there were no greenhouse gasses, very few rays would be absorbed and the earth would be extremely cold, global warming persuasive essay. Al Gore described the greenhouse effect as the potentially most dangerous environmental problem facing mankind, with consequences second only to nuclear war p. Most of the rays from the sun are absorbed by water vapor that is naturally in our atmosphere. Global warming has become a major issue discussed over Medias and governments all over the world today. It is a problem that threatens the whole world because of the destructive impacts it can have on us humans and to the environment.

Global warming is not a new phenomenon, global warming persuasive essay. It is often referred to as the gradual rise of the earths near surface temperature as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities. The green house gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, ozone and water vapor, they act as a blanket that traps enough heat from the sun to warm the earth. Fuels used to heat buildings could be cut back greatly by doing things like adding insulation and replace windows that easily lose heat. They have to pay a fee for using to the gasses. Coal would be tax the most because its has the most carbon. The tropic countries should have to go more towards solar power because they have the most light.

According to Union of concerned Scientists, the extreme weather events such as sea level rise, global warming persuasive essay, more frequent heat waves, and growing wildfire risks are the results of global warming. It is true that droughts are becoming longer and wildfire is increasing. I believe that human activities are warming our Earth and leading to increases in weather events. I think that one reason for this problem is the gas that is emitted by burning of fossil fuels to make electricity, and drive car. These gases are called greenhouse gases which include Carbone dioxide CO2Methane CH4 etc. Global Warming is the increase of temperature on Earth which is caused by human activities and will have very serious consequences for life on Earth if humans don't start to do something about it now.

Global Warming is caused when the Greenhouse Gases combines with the atmosphere and traps heat. It is strongly related to pre-human and pre- industrial global warming, global warming persuasive essay, it is also weakly related to depletion of ozone layer, which was caused by the CFC Chlorofluorocarbons gas. The effects of global warming on the environment are dangerous, such as: rising of sea level because polar caps melt, changes in the pattern of precipitation, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. These effects would take away life and destroy houses or anything else human made, global warming persuasive essay.

The climate is taking a hit due to global warming. Global warming is a bundle of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that builds up heat in the atmosphere. As years gone by, global warming gradually began heating the Earth 's surface, ocean, and atmosphere. Although global warming is a problem not taken seriously or being known, people should be aware of the affects of global warming, how it is seen affecting the. The Global Warming Debate We are polluting the atmosphere and with an increasingly wide range of polluting substances and these are due to the fact that there are now so many people and their human activities are altering the chemical compositing of the atmosphere through the buildup of gases.

By the end of this article, you will start to wonder about what this is doing to our world. What is global warming? Global warming takes place because human activities are pumping vast amounts of gases. These are Carbon dioxide — this gas is unconfined to the atmosphere when solid fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal, and wood products are burned Methane — this gas is given out during the production and transfer of fossil fuels. However, due to fossil fuel burning and other human activities, there is an excess amount of greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even though there is significant evidence of global warming, there are still skeptics whom believe that global warming is not occurring.

Fossil fuels are energy-rich substances that have formed global warming persuasive essay long-buried plants and microorganisms. Methane is caused by coal burning and this causes the temperature allot hotter. Global warming has a big impact on climate change and this is caused by green house gasses. Global warming also affects the animals living on the land, or in the water. Especially polar animals are in danger because there environment is not very good. It is true that global warming have many bad effects on the earth and every living creature in it however, there are some good effects like East Coast is enjoying due to the unseasonably warm weather, global warming persuasive essay.

Some of that energy is then sent back to the atmosphere as heat. However, greenhouse gases trap that heat, which would otherwise be released into space, raising the temperature of the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Increases in the amount of greenhouse gases, due to human activities, intensify the heat trapped by the atmosphere and as a result, cause global warming and climate change. Consequently, human behaviors including industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, and changes in land use, such as deforestation, cause emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which can be blamed for the increasingly warmer temperatures. People enhance the greenhouse effect primarily by burning fossil fuels, like coal, oil and natural gas. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Global Warming.

Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Before a person can tackle handling the concept of global warming, they first must analyze the true definition of what it is. britannica Since all countries in the world have to share the oxygen and carbon dioxide, we all should take a part in the responsibility of taking care of earth, global warming persuasive essay. On November 6, President Obama said that we want our children to live in a world without the destructive power of a warming planet.

The biggest challenge we face is not only saving a warming …show more content… Greenhouse gasses have a big impact on our atmosphere. These gasses include water global warming persuasive essay, methaneozone, nitrous oxide, and global warming persuasive essay dioxide. Each greenhouse gas molecule has three or more atoms that are loosely held together and that eventually release the heat energy and it is absorbed by another greenhouse molecule, global warming persuasive essay. Many people talk about greenhouse gasses as if they are a bad idea, but they are not a bad thing. Without these gasses the earth would be zero degrees on the surface. However, too many greenhouse gasses can cause higher temperatures in the atmosphere, cause oceans to warm beyond global warming persuasive essay they should be normally and weather that is unpredictable.

The same with fossil fuels that produce a variety of emissions that pollute our planet 's global warming persuasive essay and water. These pollutants threaten the environment and its …show more content… When we reduce greenhouse gases, we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide global warming persuasive essay is released into the atmosphere. By not burning things such as fossil fuels as natural gas, coal, oil and gasoline we reduce global warming. Other things we can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is by using less heat and air conditioning.

Some experts say that by just reducing the heat by 2 degrees in the winter and higher in the summer can save about 2, pounds of global warming persuasive essay dioxide each year. Also by reducing, reusing and recycling half of household waste we can save 2, pounds of carbon dioxide annually. There are things a person can do hardly without even thinking that can help the cause of climate change such as replacing your lightbulbs, driving less, driving smart, buying energy-efficient products, global warming persuasive essay, using less hot water, planting trees and encouraging others to.

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Persuasive Essays

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global warming persuasive essay

Mark Z. Jacobson Persuasive Essay On Global Warming. Good Essays. Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. In today’s society, anywhere from Hong Kong to Detroit, Michigan, a major disregard to Earth and its inhabitants, substantial resources, and well-being has been created; in other words, the Earth has been taken advantage of Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Words | 8 Pages. Global Warming The reason global warming is crucial is because it will affect everyone’s future lives across the globe. Well, that is if they are able to sustain life by then. Right now sure, it is not so much of a big deal, but soon it will be and by the time, it may be too late

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