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What is happiness essay

What is happiness essay

what is happiness essay

Mar 11,  · Happiness is so important that even earlier philosophers are cognizant of the fact. According to Aristotle, happiness is either the ultimate end of the activities carried out by mankind or the ultimate end. This expresses in unequivocal terms that even earlier beings perceived happiness as a need Essay on Happiness – Long Essay on Happiness (Essay 9 – Words) Introduction: Happiness is the state of emotional wellbeing and being contented. Happiness is expressed through joyful moments and smiles. It is a desirable feeling that Happiness. It is not measurable, profitable, nor tradable. Yet, above all else in the world, it is what people seek. They want to have happiness, and want to know they have a lot of it. But happiness, like air or water, is a hard thing to grasp in one’s hand. It is intangible. So how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feeling?

Essay On Happiness - Free Essay And Term Paper - And Words Essay

The well being of an individual is very critical to performance and several meaning of life to that particular individual. Several researchers have studied aspects like obedience, what is happiness essay, intervention of bystander, behavior and altruism as being the factors that affect the way people perceive events and hence their happiness. For instance two people could give different accounts of the same game they saw. This is what has inspired studies on the non-conscious factors that affect the way a person is motivated. Also critical to this subject is the way people perceive stereotypes and prejudice. Even through all these aspects are important, this paper looks at social psychological aspects.

To elucidate the argument of these social psychological elements being profound influencers of what is happiness essay, five sets of conclusions in social psychology have will be analyzed. Even though they may seem very correct, there is a reason to believe that they are non-obvious. These five sets of thoughts are. Hedonic treadmill states good things only make people happy what is happiness essay while the what is happiness essay happenings leave long-term impact of unhappiness. In the long run, people get preset a neutral stance at hedonic neutrality and any efforts to gain happiness by having a what is happiness essay life situation are only effective for a short time.

It seems that people normally adopt as time goes by, but not totally regain their initial position. For example, widows or people losing their jobs experienced low level of satisfaction in life even after many years after the experience. Even though people adapt to every event or circumstances, they also adapt to the simple rewards and drawbacks that they encounter in their daily lives. Considering that the adaptation is not complete, some people going through tough condition may seem happier than others. I agree with these thoughts because they offer fundamental what is happiness essay on what makes people feel satisfied with their lives. However, sometimes the good and bad things may lose their power of influencing how people act, what is happiness essay. New involvements in new activities, establishing new relationships and setting objectives can continuously bring happiness.

In that sense, happiness is a continuous process not a position hence we ought to gain and depend on circumstances that can bring permanent happiness. Healthy relationships strongly correlate with positive emotions and therefore people who are relating well with others tend to be very happy. A study on divorcees showed that many of them indicated significant reduction of their happiness after the divorce meaning that relationships were closely linked to wellbeing of individuals. I agree with these what is happiness essay because in real life, when an individual is having a good relationship with family members and friends, they are likely to be happier.

However, some individuals focus on seeking wealth as they pursue happiness but people can be more important that materials belongings and that money cannot value social relationship. Having good relationships is critical for wellbeing of an individual, but they can be made miserable by dictatorial bosses, obnoxious spouses and spiteful buddies. Nonetheless, negative happenings have an impact on welfare of an individual that the positive events. Relationships are good for happiness when they have predominance of positive communications to achieve this function, what is happiness essay. People react strongly to negative events than to positive ones. Memories do not reproduce exactly the original experience that an individual went through.

Rather, they form transformations of these encounters what is happiness essay reconstructed based on present motivations and convictions and several other factors. The impact of this has had a great outcome in criminology and justice administration because when eye witnesses have to testify, their testimony is considered less reliable than initially thought. It has been hypothesized that people tend to reconstruct their memory in a manner that would fit their inherent theories or existing thoughts. For example, women usually report experiencing more pain during menses through daily reports indicated otherwise. Recently, what is happiness essay, studies have shown that people tend to degrade their past experiences so that they can perceive their current position as having improved.

Memories of expressive encounters are not inert, but rather dynamic. For instance, a girl can recall her first kiss what is happiness essay happy experience and not fearful after sometime. On the other hand people can experience happiness in different ways; 1. When they go through hard times successfully and 2, when get positive results after bad experiences and 3, downplaying the positivity of previous nice experiences to the present happenings. When people live in difference setting like in industrialized setting, their thinking is different as well as their behavior and feelings. It found that in eastern Asia, people find happiness in taking disciplined and significant consideration of themselves. Feelings like worry and pride vary across different cultures. Some feelings can be assessed in one culture but not in another different culture.

Diener, Oishi and Lucas in their studies reveal that the well-being of people included mainly aspects of peace, contentment and life satisfaction, what is happiness essay. Individual wellbeing can be influenced by individuality disposition like extravert, self-esteem and neurotic elements. Though personality is a good factor of explaining significant variation in subjective wellbeing, Life conditions also affect the permanent levels. Cultural variables explain the variations in the heights of subjective wellbeing and see to be as a result of objective factors like wealth to the beliefs that direct adequate feelings and reveal how significant subjective well-being is regarded Diener et al,p.

The authors Diener, Oishi and Lucas reviewed papers on cross-cultural studies on happiness and drew some important cultural variations in the different meanings of happiness by different culture, the motivation of happiness and well-being predictors Uchida, what is happiness essay,p. Specifically, in the US cultural context of happiness is based on what an individual accomplishes and maximum achievement is the greatest height of happiness. In East Asia on the other hand, happiness comes from connectedness with other people Uchida,p. For Asians, wellbeing was founded on task responsibility and dialectical balance while the Europeans and Americans base their well-being on personal success. The Non-obvious Social Psychology of Happiness, Psychological Inquiry, Vol.

Diener, E. Culture, Personality, and Well-Being. Annual Review of Psychology, what is happiness essay, 54, — Culture and Conceptions of Happiness: Individual Oriented And Social Oriented, Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol. Uchida, Y. Cultural constructions of happiness: theory and empirical evidence, journal of Happiness StudiesVol. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Happiness and Its Social Psychological Aspects, what is happiness essay. Table of Contents. Introduction Hedonic Adaptation Social Relationships and Happiness Power and Well-being Memory Culture and Happiness Summary and Conclusion Reference List.

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Essay on Happiness -- English --

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What Is Happiness? - My Essay On Defining Your Happiness

what is happiness essay

+ Words Essay on Happiness. Happiness is something which we can’t describe in words it can only be felt from someone’s expression of a smile. Likewise, happiness is a signal or identification of good and prosperous life. Happiness is very simple to feel and difficult to describe. Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal your happiness Essay on Happiness – Long Essay on Happiness (Essay 9 – Words) Introduction: Happiness is the state of emotional wellbeing and being contented. Happiness is expressed through joyful moments and smiles. It is a desirable feeling that Apr 24,  · Happiness seems to be the thing that everyone searches for and desires. These days there are so many different things that can make a person happy. Happiness to me is a sort of inner contentment that deep down I desire just as much as any other person. The word happiness is a complex one and comes in many definitions with every different person.

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