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Persuasive essay on drinking age

Persuasive essay on drinking age

persuasive essay on drinking age

Lowering The Drinking Age To 21 Persuasive Essay. Advocates and supporters of lowering the MLDA 21 to 18 allows young adults the right to make decisions about the consumption of alcohol. As the age of 18 entails an individual to legally become a young adult, receiving the “ [rights] and responsibilities [required] to vote and purchase cigarettes ” (Chiappetta), being prosecuted Aug 19,  · Available Only on StudyHippo. Topics: alcoholism, Drinking Culture, Etiquette, Persuasive. Pages: 2 ( words) Published: August 19, Type: Essay. View Entire Sample Download Sample. Text preview. The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia These days there are a number Persuasive Essay On Drinking Age. Words | 6 Pages. Drinking Age The legal drinking age is a highly debated topic in the United States and Canada. The drinking age refers to the age when people are allowed to buy and consume alcohol. The drinking age varies from country to country, and in some cases state to state

Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay Sample

The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia These days there are a number of social issues in the community, such as drug abuse, teenage pregnancy and alcohol abuse. Underage drinking and binge drinking are some of the problems associated with alcohol abuse. International Center for Alcohol Policies, Australia is one persuasive essay on drinking age many countries unable to control this growing problem and is researching ways to reduce this behavior in its youth. Alcohol is used in many social and life situations; it is used in celebrations, relaxation, and social gatherings. All through Australia, in every class, it is not considered good form for a man to drink by himself.

Very persuasive essay on drinking age even of the most hopeless drunkards ever do so. The consequence is, that when a man feels inclined to drink, he immediately looks out for someone to drink with. At whatever hour of the day a mans meets another whom he has not seen for say twelve hours, etiquette requires that he shall incontinently invite him to come and drink. This is a custom that pervades every class in the colony, and cannot be departed from without something more than a breach of good manners. Alcohol helps people remove their barriers; lose their inhibitions, and form friendships, relationships, and acts as a social lubricant. In Australia many business deals have been conducted over a drink or two. In addition to the Australian drinking culture, at years-old you are legally an adult.

Thus, society has many expectations of young adults such as employment and study. Australian policies allow year-olds to vote, marry, drive a vehicle, and obtain a gun license; furthermore, it is year-olds right as an adult to drink. News, Before the Vietnam War in the legal drinking age in Australia was Moreover, if the drinking age of 21 is to be implemented, the contradiction arises with the legal adult age, persuasive essay on drinking age. Finally, the comparisons between Australia and America in relation to the successful execution of the change in the drinking age; though both countries are similar, their differences in history and in culture; therefore, they should not be compared.

Fennell, This demonstrates that even though America has a high legal drinking age; this does not stop the youth from drinking. As reported in the Journal of American College Health - Vol. Hence, even American doctors believe that the legal age of years-old is ineffective and should be reduce to 18 years of age. The information above demonstrates that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will be unsuccessful and it is not a solution to the drinking problems in Australia. Given the above arguments, the legal drinking age in Australia should remain at years-old. All the legal policies in Australia permit years-old as adults; there are numbers of expectations of adults such as voting, marriage, and entering legally-binding contracts. America is a good example that a higher legal drinking age is not a solution and would not work for Australia.

In my opinion, instead of changing the legal drinking age to 21, they should introduce tougher penalties and higher fines for alcohol fuelled crimes, persuasive essay on drinking age. Home Page Health Addiction alcoholism The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 in Australia Persuasive Essay Example. Available Only on StudyHippo. alcoholismpersuasive essay on drinking age, Drinking CultureEtiquettePersuasive. Pages: 2 words Published: August 19, Type: Essay. View Entire Sample Download Sample. Text preview. The Australian reputation as View entire sample Join StudyHippo to see entire essay, persuasive essay on drinking age. Persuasive essay on drinking age assignments.

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Persuasive Speech: Drinking Age

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persuasive essay on drinking age

Aug 19,  · Available Only on StudyHippo. Topics: alcoholism, Drinking Culture, Etiquette, Persuasive. Pages: 2 ( words) Published: August 19, Type: Essay. View Entire Sample Download Sample. Text preview. The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia These days there are a number Persuasive Essay On The Drinking Age. Words4 Pages. A drinking age of 18 is associated with a increase of four percent in drinking participation. A three percent increase in heavy drinking rates is seen mainly in states that raised their drinking age. The legal drinking age of 21 fails to have fatality reducing effects Persuasive Essay On Drinking Age. Words | 6 Pages. Drinking Age The legal drinking age is a highly debated topic in the United States and Canada. The drinking age refers to the age when people are allowed to buy and consume alcohol. The drinking age varies from country to country, and in some cases state to state

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