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Trail of tears essay

Trail of tears essay

trail of tears essay

The Trail of Tears was a dark turn in Native American history, which also affected Mississippi during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Jackson’s Indian Removal Act forced out the Native Americans out of their land by the federal government and walk thousands of miles to designated territories across the Mississippi river The Trail of Tears was a heartbreaking and tragic event in America’s history. Thousands of Native Americans were forced to leave their Appalachian home to move West, under President Andrew Jackson’s command. The events that led up to that forceful removal are outlined well in Chris Eyre’s Trail of Tears: We Shall Remain. Through cinematic “The Trail of Tears was a greed driven forced removal and replacement of the Native Americans by the white settlers. It started in places in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, or Florida-land for the Cherokee Indians, and ended in what is now known as Oklahoma. The Trail of Tears should not have been experienced by [ ]

Trail Of Tears Essay Examples, Topics, Titles - Free Research Papers on

The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Trail of tears essay American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U. as a result of the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in the year The migrants faced trail of tears essay hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to the forced march while more than 50, people died Cave, The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect trail of tears essay the Indians such as extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to long walk and massive injustices and abuse of fundamental human rights.

According to Perduethe Trail of Tears is regarded as one of the tragic eras in the U. history mainly due to the forceful relocation of the Indians. This is also considered as the beginning of the Indian extermination by the U. government even though they had lived in the country several centuries before the white settlers set their foot in America, trail of tears essay. After the American Revolution and the eventual creation of the U. However, the white settlers were mostly interested in the resources of rich and productive land under the occupation of the Indians. As a result, the U. government embarked on a long campaign — marked by false promises, broken and false treaties, and threats of military force and racist attitudes — to oust the Indians from their native territory.

The Trail of tears essay. government committed a heinous incident in its long history when it passed the Removal Act in the yearwhich later resulted in the Trail of Tears. The Indians were moved to the west in an exodus that would ensure the new American settlers continued growing and prospering in their new country. The most famous of those forced from their native land by the U. government included Five Civilized Tribes comprising of the Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw and Creek Cave, trail of tears essay, These tribes constituted the majority of more than 60, Indians driven out of their land and they were distinguished from other Indian populations due to their leadership forms and organization.

They had functional social systems based on property ownership, government offices and established schools much like in Europe Perdue, However, the U. government could not recognize them to be civilized enough to be their neighbors necessitating their forceful relocation. The Trail of Tears created a period of immeasurable misery and despair among the Indians who were being relocated against their wishes. In order to relocate the Indian tribes swiftly and effectively, the Indians tribes were prearranged into wretched and miserable traveling caravans.

During the trail, the Indians passed through horrible living conditions that were unbearable, for instance, the Indians slept in the mud, lacked shelter and enough food. On the other hand, they were usually forced to march in chains or manacles. In most cases, if the poor living conditions did not kill them, severe disease outbreaks killed most of the Indians. They were plagued with diseases such as dysentery, pneumonia, whooping cough, trail of tears essay, pellagra and tuberculosis, which usually wiped out entire families Cave, Consequently, the Trail of Tears resulted in massive deaths among the Indians apart from damaging trail of tears essay Indian American spirit and self respect. The Indian Removal act gave President Jackson the power to relocate the Indians under their consent while the act required that they be compensated for the relocation.

However, this is not the manner in which the policy was implemented as the government engaged in false treaties with the Indians, broken promises and perpetrated trail of tears essay while dealing with the Indians Cave, The Choctaw Indians in were the first who were relocated and they became a perfect model for the successful relocations. The Seminole followed the Choctaw inthen the Creek in the yearthe Chickasaw Indians in the yearand lastly the Cherokee Indians in As a result, byit is estimated that more than 46, trail of tears essay, Native Indians from these southern states had forcefully been relocated from their homelands thus opening about 25 million acres for mainly white settlement Perdue, In conclusion, the Trail of Tears is a perfect expression of the U.

The new white settlers in the U. had escaped the oppression in Europe and they were obsessed with their new freedoms in America that they easily trampled on the freedom and rights of the Indians. The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians who were forced to walk over 1, trail of tears essay to Oklahoma in a trip where they walked without shoes or enough clothing Perdue, The food provision was scarce, they suffered from severe diseases and a large number of the Indians died from the harsh conditions and diseases, trail of tears essay.

must never forget these shameful and sad moments in its long history with the hope that the country learns from the past, in order to prevent the occurrence of other atrocities similar to the Trail of Tears. Visit our custom essay service AdvancedWriters. com to have your essay paper written by professional trail of tears essay. High quality, on-time delivery and personal support guaranteed, trail of tears essay. Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students. The Trail of Tears Essay The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Native American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U. rating 23 votes. Sep 4, Filed under: Sample Papers — Tags: history essayThe Trail of Tears essay paperThe Trail of Tears research paper — Joan Young am.

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A Brief History Of The Trail of Tears

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The Trail of Tears Essay | Blog

trail of tears essay

Thesis The Trail of Tears was a horrendous act orchestrated by Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act in the s. The government conducted many wrongful decisions during this time period. Let’s analyze Andrew Jackson’s strategic decision making, and Chief John Ross protest against the removal. Introduction In the Trail of Tears was an experience that forever The Trail of Tears Essay Words9 Pages The Trail of Tears “The Trail of Tears” was a despicable event in American history because of our government’s inhumane treatment of the Cherokee Nation The Trail of Tears was a dark turn in Native American history, which also affected Mississippi during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Jackson’s Indian Removal Act forced out the Native Americans out of their land by the federal government and walk thousands of miles to designated territories across the Mississippi river

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